luni, 25 iulie 2016

"Călători printre cărți" va invita la concurs!

Premiul constă în cartea: Wild Flowers to Colour
O carte de colorat cu flori salbatice din intreaga lume. 
Fiecare pagina este frumos ilustrata. Sunt incluse informatii despre fiecare floare, precum si sfaturi si sugestii de colorare.
Varsta recomandata: 7+
32 de pagini
250 x 216mm
Pentru a fi eligibili trebuie sa urmati acesti pasi:
1. Like paginii Călători printre cărți
2. Share public postarii de aici Călători printre cărți
3.Tag prietenilor in comentariile de la aceasta postare( un singur tag in comentariu ; mai multe comentarii, mai multe sanse de castig) aici Călători printre cărți
Participanții trebuie să respecte toate condițiile simultan.
Concursul se va încheia , duminica 07 August, la ora 00.00, câștigătorul va fi extras, dintre participanții eligibili, în cursul zilei de luni și va fi anunțat prin postare publică.
Concursul este adresat doar persoanelor din România.

duminică, 24 iulie 2016

Usborne Wipe - Clean Starting Time Tables

Bine ati revenit!

Usborne Wipe- Clean Starting Time Tables este o carte realizata din carton plastifiat, foarte rezistent si vine impreuna cu o carioca pe baza de apa, cu care copii pot sa scrie si sa stearga, astfel ei putand exersa la nesfarsit tabla inmultirii cu 2 si cu 10. Contine 24 de pagini cu dimensiunea de 276 x 216 mm.

Cartea este inteligent gandita astfel incat copii sa inteleaga logica mecanismului care sta la baza inmultirii.  Ilustratiile sunt viu colorate, deci foarte atragatoare pentru copii, imbinand perfect joaca cu invatatul.

Pe prima pagina suntem anuntati ca mostruletii cei draguti invata tabla inmultirii si suntem invitati sa ii ajutam ;)

Counting groups of 2 
Apoi copii sunt indemnati sa numere grupurile si cate lucruri sunt in fiecare grup.

How many altogether ?

Copii sunt indemnati sa treaca raspunsul la intrebari in casuta goala :
1 groups of 2 balloons = ? balloons altoogether
2 groups of 2 planes = ? planes altogether
3 groups of 2 cars = ? cars altogether
2+2+2+2 birds is the same as 4 groups of 2 birds. Ther are ? birds altogether.

Observati jos dunga galbena numerotata- aceea ii ajuta pe copii , sa numere pe sarite din doi in doi.

Count and draw 

In acest capitol aflam ca un alt mod de a scrie "grupuri de " este sa folosim semnul inmultirii X

Pup has 1 group of 2 bones
Pup has 1 X 2 bones.

How many bees can you count? Draw 2 wings on each bee. How many wings are there altogether ?

20 blobby monsters

Ne sunt prezentati 20 de mostruleti draguti apoi trebuie sa actionam in functie de exercitiu si sa raspundem la intrebari.

How many monster have wings? Draw 2 spots on each monster with wings. How many spots are there altogether ?
How many monster are green ? Draw 2 arms on each green monster. How many arms are there altogether ?

Help the monsters 

Aici trebuie sa ajutam monsturletii completand campurile lipsa.

Carte continua cu exercitii dar sub alte forme cu tabla inmultirii cu 10 - pe care va las sa le descoperiti singuri.

2 and 10 time tables. 

Este un exercitiu pentru inmultirea cu 2 si cu 10 deasemenea exercitii incrucisate cu cele doua cifre.

Aceasta carte are 2 beneficii - invatam tabla inmultirii si limba engleza in acelasi timp.

Varsta recomandata 3+
24 de pagini
276 x 216 mm
Stoc: 1 bucata
Pret: 29 RON
Pret: 25 RON

Seria Wipe-Clean de la editura Usborne contine 36 de titluri pe care vi le prezint mai jos. In functie de interesul copilului vostru si de varsta, aveti de unde alege. Distractia e garantata cu aceste carti de activitati. Jucandu-se copii invata intr-un mod placut lucruri utile. Tot ce e in stoc se livreaza imediat. Ce nu este in stoc se aduce la comanda. Transportul va fi achitat de catre client ( 6 RON livrare prin posta cu plata in cont). In Timisoara predare personala, fara costuri de transport! 

Puteti comanda printr-un comentariu la aceasta postare, sau pe pagina de Facebook:

Wipe-clean lower-case letters
Varsta recomandata 3+
24 de pagini
276 x 216 mm
Stoc: 4 bucati
Pret: 30 RON
Pret: 25 RON

A wipe-clean book for preschoolers full of friendly monsters to help children learn to write lower case letters. Pen control activities such as adding straight stalks to daffodils or curly antennae to an insect help children practise the shape of each letter in the alphabet, and the special wipe-clean pen can be used again and again.

Wip-clean capital letters
Varsta recomandata 3+
24 de pagini
276 x 216 mm
Stoc: 3 bucati
Pret: 30 RON
Pret: 25 RON

A wipe-clean book full of friendly monsters to help children learn to write capital letters. Pen-control activities such as tracing the wings of a butterfly or drawing waves for monsters to surf on help children practise the shape of each letter, and the special wipe-clean pen means activities can be done again and again.

Wip-clean first pen control
Varsta recomandata 3+
24 de pagini
276 x 216 mm
Stoc: 1 bucata
Pret: 30 RON
Pret: 25 RON
  • A wipe-clean book of fun activities to help preschool children practise their pen control – essential for learning to write.
  • Children can trace over the dots on each page to draw a castle stronghold, add cheeky monkeys’ tales to a jungle scene or complete a frosty snowman.
  • Perfect for children who are about to start school, who are expected to be able to hold a pen and write their own name before they do so.
  • The wipe-clean pages and special pen enable children to return to their favourite pages again and again.

Wip-clean first numbers
Varsta recomandata 3+
24 de pagini
276 x 216 mm
Stoc: 2 bucati
Pret: 30 RON
Pret: 25 RON
  • There’s a whole host of friendly monsters waiting to be helped with their counting in this fun first numbers book.
  • Children can enjoy completing the entertaining activities again and again using the special wipe-clean pen.
  • There are monsters shopping, space monsters and there’s a monster fairground to discover, guaranteed to get little ones smiling as they practise their counting.
  • A perfect way for pre-school children to improve number recognition and counting skills.

Wip-clean Castle Activities
Varsta recomandata 3+
24 de pagini
276 x 216 mm
Pret: 30 RON
Pret: 25 RON

  • A colourful activity book full of castle scenes with mazes, dot-to-dots and drawing puzzles to help little children develop the pen control skills that are essential for learning to write.
  • Each scene features a fun medieval castle scene, from the workshop where knights’ armour is made to an exciting royal tournament.
  • Children can follow the dotted outlines to draw spectators at a joust, a knight’s horse, the winding route to the castle through a nearby village and lots more.
  • A fun way for young children to develop counting, observation and pen control skills.

Wip-clean Doodles
Varsta recomandata 3+
24 de pagini
276 x 216 mm
Pret: 30 RON
Pret: 25 RON

  • Young children will have great fun doodling and drawing on the brightly illustrated scenes in this wipe-clean book.
  • There are patterns to doodle and scenes to complete, including monsters to create and cakes to decorate.
  • A fun and engaging way for young children to learn and develop pen control.
  • Each page is wipe-clean so that children can doodle on them again and again with the special pen to ensure enduring fun.

Wip-clean do-to-dot 
Varsta recomandata 3+
24 de pagini
276 x 216 mm
Pret: 30 RON
Pret: 25 RON

  • This fun book is a perfect way for young children to learn pen control.
  • Use the special pen to join the dots and find out what the pictures show in each brightly-illustrated scene.
  • Each page is wipe-clean so that children can complete the dots over and over again.

Wip-clean do-to-dot animals 
Varsta recomandata 3+
24 de pagini
276 x 216 mm
Pret: 30 RON
Pret: 25 RON

  • A fun dot-to-dot book with a different friendly animal for children to draw on each page.
  • All puzzles contain ten numbered dots, so children will be learning the numbers 1-10 as they draw the animals, and they can also trace the outline of the animal’s name.
  • Joining dots and tracing over letters are fun ways for children to practise counting, writing and pen control.
  • Perfect for preparing children for school. The wipe-clean pen means children can practise again and again!

Wip-clean do-to-dot Dinosaurs
Varsta recomandata 3+
24 de pagini
276 x 216 mm
Pret: 30 RON
Pret: 25 RON

The perfect book for dinosaur-loving children to practise number sequencing, writing and pen control. Each page has a dot-to-dot dinosaur for children to draw, with questions such as “Which dinosaur was as big as two buses?”, and space to trace the dinosaur’s name underneath. The special pen means pages can be wiped clean and completed again and again.

Wip-clean do-to-dot farm
Varsta recomandata 3+
24 de pagini
276 x 216 mm
Pret: 30 RON
Pret: 25 RON

  • There are sixteen cheerful farm scenes for children to complete in this dot-to-dot book, including a tractor, scarecrow and farmhouse.
  • All puzzles contain ten numbered dots, so children will be learning the numbers 1-10 as they draw the scenes, and they can also trace the name of what they have drawn.
  • Joining dots and tracing over letters are fun ways for children to practise counting, writing and pen control.
  • Perfect for preparing children for school. The wipe-clean pen means children can practise as much as they want.  

Wip-clean farm activities
Varsta recomandata 3+
24 de pagini
276 x 216 mm
Pret: 30 RON
Pret: 25 RON

  • A delightful wipe-clean activity book to help young children develop their basic counting, observation and pen control skills.
  • Each page features a different farm scene, where children can count chicks, help Lottie the lamb find her way through a maze, spot bees in the orchard and lots more.
  • The wipe-clean pages provide lots of opportunities to practise as children can return to activities again and again.
  • A fun and engaging way for young children to learn and develop essential skills.

Wipe-clean  1 2 3 
Varsta recomandata 3+
24 de pagini
276 x 216 mm
Pret: 30 RON
Pret: 25 RON

  • This fun book is a perfect way for young children to learn about numbers.
  • Children are encouraged to draw over the dotted lines to finish the shapes and numbers in each brightly-illustrated scene.
  • Each page is wipe-clean so that children can write on them with the special pen over and over again.

Wipe-clean  Pirates 
Varsta recomandata 3+
24 de pagini
276 x 216 mm
Pret: 30 RON
Pret: 25 RON

  • A wipe-clean activity book, full of fun dot-to-dot pirate puzzles for little children to solve.
  • Children can join the ten numbered dots to reveal each picture, including a pirate crew, a treasure chest and a pirate ship.
  • A fun activity that helps preschool children develop pen control and counting skills, and with the wipe-clean pages and special pen, they can practise again and again.

Wipe-clean  do-to-dot things that go

Varsta recomandata 3+
24 de pagini
276 x 216 mm
Pret: 30 RON
Pret: 25 RON

  • A fun and colourful activity book, full of cars, trucks, boats, planes, trains and other vehicles for children to draw.
  • Each page features a different vehicle, with ten dots to join to complete the picture and the outline of the vehicle’s name for children to write over.
  • Provides a fun way for children to practise counting, writing and pen control – all essential preschool skills.
  • The wipe-clean pages and special pen mean that this book can be used over and over again. 

Wipe-clean  first drawing
Varsta recomandata 3+
24 de pagini
276 x 216 mm
Pret: 30 RON
Pret: 25 RON

  • Young children will have fun practising their pen control as they complete the pictures in this step-by-step drawing book.
  • Pictures to choose from include rockets blasting off into space, a sunny day at the beach and under the sea.
  • Includes a special wipe-clean pen so that children can enjoy drawing the pictures over and over again.

Wipe-clean  first letters
Varsta recomandata 3+
24 de pagini
276 x 216 mm
Pret: 30 RON
Pret: 25 RON

  • This fun book is a perfect way for young children to learn how to read and write.
  • Children are encouraged to draw over the dotted lines to finish the letters in each brightly-illustrated scene.
  • Each page is wipe-clean so that children can write on them with the special pen over and over again.

Wipe-clean  first puzzles 
Varsta recomandata 3+
24 de pagini
276 x 216 mm
Pret: 30 RON
Pret: 25 RON

  • There are lots of fun puzzles to complete again and again using the special pen in this wipe-clean activity book for young children.
  • A fun way to practise pen control, children will enjoy working their way through colourful mazes, dot-to-dots, word searches and many more puzzles.
  • A great-value and educational pastime for pre-school children.

Wipe-clean  first sums
Varsta recomandata 3+
24 de pagini
276 x 216 mm
Pret: 30 RON
Pret: 25 RON

  • This fun book is a perfect way to help young children learn how to do simple sums, allowing them to practise time and time again using the special wipe-clean pen.
  • Children will have fun learning basic maths skills as they help the monsters with their sums, including counting balloons at a birthday party and adding up the monsters’ eyes and teeth!
  • A brilliant, interactive way to introduce simple additions and subtractions, with fun illustrations to engage young minds.

Wipe-clean  first words
Varsta recomandata 3+
24 de pagini
276 x 216 mm
Pret: 30 RON
Pret: 25 RON

  • Children will enjoy practising writing their first letters and words with this fun, wipe-clean book allowing them to trace over the dotted lines again and again.
  • Each page features a different scene full of cheeky colourful monsters ready to be labelled, including ‘Monster town’, ‘Dressing up’ and ‘Monster sports day’.
  • A fun way to encourage pen-control skills as well as basic reading and literacy skills.

Wipe-clean get ready for school:abc and 123
Varsta recomandata 3+
24 de pagini
276 x 216 mm
Pret: 30 RON
Pret: 25 RON

  • A fun way for young children to learn about numbers and letters ahead of starting school.
  • Children can draw over the dotted lines to finish the numbers and letters in each brightly-illustrated scene.
  • Each page is wipe-clean so that children can write on them with the special pen over and over again.

Wipe-clean holiday activities
Varsta recomandata 3+
24 de pagini
276 x 216 mm
Pret: 30 RON
Pret: 25 RON

  • A wipe-clean book full of holiday-themed activities to help young children develop their counting, observation and pen control skills.
  • Each page has a different holiday scene, with activities such as counting shells, drawing patterns on the sails of a boat and decorating suitcases.
  • The wipe-clean pages and special pen provide lots of opportunities to practise, as children can return to their favourite activities again and again.
  • A fun and engaging way for young children to learn and develop essential skills.

Wipe-clean Mazes
Varsta recomandata 3+
24 de pagini
276 x 216 mm
Pret: 30 RON
Pret: 25 RON

  • Young children can help the animal characters find their way through 14 exciting mazes, including a pirate ship looking for treasure and a rocket zooming through space.
  • Each page is wipe-clean so that children can complete the mazes over and over again using the special pen.
  • An engaging and fun way for young children to learn and improve pen control.

Wipe-clean pen control
Varsta recomandata 3+
24 de pagini
276 x 216 mm
Pret: 30 RON
Pret: 25 RON

  • A wipe-clean book with drawing and tracing activities to help children practise holding and manipulating a pen.
  • Little children can solve the monster machine maze, join the dots in a picnic and trace over the circles, loops and swirls made by fireworks in the sky.
  • With a special wipe-clean pen so mistakes are easy to correct and the activities can be done again and again.
  • A fun way to develop the pen control skills that are essential for learning to write.

Wipe-clean phonics book 1 
Varsta recomandata 4+
24 de pagini
276 x 216 mm
Pret: 30 RON
Pret: 25 RON

A wipe-clean book about letter sounds for children who are learning to read and write. Match words such as ‘sat’ and ‘pat’ to the right picture, find words starting with ‘p’ or draw insects to practise the letter ‘i’ then wipe and repeat. This first book in the series covers 's', 'a', 't', 'p', 'i', 'n', 'm' and 'd', and supports phonics teaching in schools.

Wipe-clean phonics book 2 
Varsta recomandata 4+
32 de pagini
276 x 216 mm
Pret: 36 RON
Pret: 30 RON 

A friendly introduction to phonics as it’s taught in schools, helping children learn the shapes and sounds of 'g', 'o', 'c', 'k', 'ck', 'e', 'u' and 'r'. Activities include circling everything beginning with ‘e’ in a picture, adding a ‘u’ pattern to umbrellas and tracing the letter ‘r’ on rabbits’ ears. Wipe and repeat until practice makes perfect!

Wipe-clean phonics book 3
Varsta recomandata 4+
32 de pagini
276 x 216 mm
Pret: 36 RON
Pret: 30 RON

This fun book introduces phonics as taught in schools. Children can learn the sounds and shapes of the letters ‘h’, ‘b’, ‘l’, ‘f’ and ‘s’ by tracing the s-shaped outlines of seahorses, drawing h-shaped horses for knights, spotting everything that begins with ‘b’ and lots more. Wipe-clean pages mean each activity can be done again and again.

Wipe-clean phonics book 4
Varsta recomandata 4+
32 de pagini
276 x 216 mm
Pret: 36 RON
Pret: 30 RON

Children can practise the sounds and shapes of letters ‘j’, ‘q’, ‘v’, ‘w’, ‘x’, ‘y’ and ‘z’ as taught in schools in this fun phonics book. Activities include drawing v-shaped fangs onto a family of vampires, spotting everything beginning with ‘q’ and using ‘x’ to mark the spot on a treasure map. Then they can wipe the page clean and try again! 

Wipe-clean pirate activities
Varsta recomandata 3+
24 de pagini
276 x 216 mm
Pret: 30 RON
Pret: 25 RON

  • A fun wipe-clean book, full of exciting pirate puzzles to help preschool children practise their pen control skills – essential when they are learning to write.
  • Pirate-themed activities include counting gold coins, joining the dots to make a pirate ship and finding the way through a maze to reach the buried treasure.
  • The special wipe-clean pen means that children can get lots of practice and return to their favourite activities again and again.
  • The perfect way for young children starting school to develop their counting, observation and pen control skills.

Wipe-clean ready for writing
Varsta recomandata 3+
24 de pagini
276 x 216 mm
Pret: 30 RON
Pret: 25 RON

  • This fun book is a perfect way for young children to improve their handwriting skills and pen control.
  • Children are encouraged to draw over the dotted lines to finish the shapes and letters in each brightly-illustrated scene.
  • Each page is wipe-clean so that children can write on them with the special pen over and over again.

Wipe-clean telling the Time
Varsta recomandata 3+
24 de pagini
276 x 216 mm
Pret: 36 RON
Pret: 30 RON 

  • A fun way for children to master the art of telling the time, allowing them to complete the activities over and over again using the special wipe-clean pen.
  • With the help of a hoard of friendly monsters, the basics of telling the time are explained clearly and simply, with fun activities to consolidate learning, including helping to schedule a ‘Monster day’and delivering the monster mail on time.
  • Introduces telling the hour, half hour and quarter hour on both digital and analogue clocks.
“ and engaging with plenty of storylines which put the time into context... Varied, colourful and inviting - a super book.”
Parents in Touch

Wipe-clean words to copy 
Varsta recomandata 3+
24 de pagini
276 x 216 mm
Pret: 30 RON
Pret: 25 RON

A wipe-clean activity book to help young children start reading and writing simple words. Each page has simple words to trace, from things at the beach to food, colours and toys, with friendly monsters to help out on each page. Great for pen control, and each page wipes clean so children can practise their new skills again and again.

Wipe-clean writing numbers
Varsta recomandata 3+
24 de pagini
276 x 216 mm
Pret: 30 RON
Pret: 25 RON

This colourful wipe-clean book is full of friendly monsters who need help writing their numbers. Young children can draw over the outline of 6 monsters snorkelling in the sea, draw unicycles shaped like the number 5 for the monster circus and more. The wipe-clean pages mean activities can be done again and again.

Big Wipe-Clean Activity Book
Varsta recomandata 3+
32 de pagini
276 x 216 mm
Pret: 30 RON
Pret: 25 RON

  • Young children will have great fun completing the colourful activities in this wipe-clean book.
  • There are patterns to doodle and scenes to complete, including dot-to-dots and mazes.
  • A fun and engaging way for young children to learn and develop pen control.
  • Each page is wipe-clean so that children can complete the activities again and again with the special pen.

Big wipe-clean farmyard tales activity book 
Varsta recomandata 3+
40 de pagini
276 x 216 mm
Pret: 60 RON
Pret: 50 RON

A delightful activity book to help young children with counting, matching and pen control, with favourite Farmyard Tale characters Poppy, Sam, Curly and Woolly. Children can draw a dot-to-dot scarecrow, trace the route through a maze of sheep and count the eggs in the henhouse. Wipe-clean pages mean each activity can be done again and again.

O zi minunata va dorm!

joi, 21 iulie 2016

Usborne Look inside Your Body

Usborne Look inside Your Body 

Astazi va prezentam o carte stralucita de la editura Usborne, care introduce copii intr-o calatorie in fascinantul corp omenesc. Seria Look Inside de la editura Usborne contine carti cu clapete inovatoare, cu fapte amuzante si explicatii simple, plus o multime de surprize.

Contine ilustratii vii, sugestive, frumos detaliate, informatii diverse cu explicatii simple pe intelesul copiilor.

Sunt peste 100 de clapete, desfasurate pe 14 pagini cu diametru de 216 x 192 mm- clapetele ne ajuta sa vedem in interiorul corpului uman. 

Cartea reda informatii despre simturile noastre, 

despre creierul nostru,

despre oasele noastre,

despre modul in care plamanii folosesc oxigenul, 

despre ce se intampla cand mancam. 

Cartea este realizata din carton gros de 2mm-  este foarte rezistenta, copii pot sa o rasfoiasca in voie fara sa o strice.
A si D sunt foarte incantati de ea, invata informatii noi in joaca cu ajutorul clapetelor si in acelas timp invata cuvinte noi in limba engleza.

Varsta recomandata 5+
14 pagini
216 x 192 mm

Pret: 60 RON 
Pret: 50 RON

Seria Look inside mai contine si urmatoarele titluri:

Look  inside a Castle
Varsta recomandata 4+
14 pagini
216 x 192 mm
Pret: 60 RON 
Pret: 50 RON

Look inside a Farm
Varsta recomandata 4+
12 pagini
216 x 192 mm
Pret: 60 RON 
Pret: 50 RON

Look inside an airport
Varsta recomandata 4+
12 pagini
216 x 192 mm
Pret: 60 RON 
Pret: 50 RON

Look inside cars
Varsta recomandata 5+
14 pagini
216 x 192 mm
Pret: 60 RON 
Pret: 50 RON

Look inside food
Varsta recomandata 4+
14 pagini
216 x 192 mm
Pret: 60 RON 
Pret: 50 RON

Look inside how computers work

Varsta recomandata 5+
14 pagini
216 x 192 mm
Pret: 60 RON 
Pret: 50 RON

Look Inside Living Long Ago
Varsta recomandata 4+
14 pagini
216 x 192 mm
Pret: 60 RON 
Pret: 50 RON

Look inside London
Varsta recomandata 4+
14 pagini
216 x 192 mm
Pret: 60 RON 
Pret: 50 RON

Look inside mummies and pyramids
Varsta recomandata 4+
14 pagini
216 x 192 mm
Pret: 60 RON 
Pret: 50 RON

Look inside our world
Varsta recomandata 4+
14 pagini
216 x 192 mm
Pret: 60 RON 
Pret: 50 RON

Look inside Roman town
Varsta recomandata 4+
14 pagini
216 x 192 mm
Pret: 60 RON 
Pret: 50 RON

Look inside science
Varsta recomandata 5+
14 pagini
216 x 192 mm
Pret: 60 RON 
Pret: 50 RON
Look inside space
Varsta recomandata 5+
14 pagini
216 x 192 mm
Pret: 60 RON 
Pret: 50 RON

Look inside sports
Varsta recomandata 4+
14 pagini
216 x 192 mm
Pret: 60 RON 
Pret: 50 RON

Look inside the  jungle
Varsta recomandata 5+
14 pagini
216 x 192 mm
Pret: 60 RON 
Pret: 50 RON

Look inside the Stone Age
Varsta recomandata 5+
14 pagini
216 x 192 mm
Pret: 60 RON 
Pret: 50 RON

Look inside things that go
Varsta recomandata 4+
14 pagini
216 x 192 mm
Pret: 60 RON 
Pret: 50 RON

Look inside trains
Varsta recomandata 4+
14 pagini
216 x 192 mm
Pret: 60 RON 
Pret: 50 RON

In functie de interesul copilului vostru si de varsta, aveti de unde alege. Si  noi abia asteptam sa ne marim colectia.

Aceste carti se aduc la comanda in limita stocului disponibil la editura.
Transportul va fi achitat de catre client ( 6 RON livrare prin posta cu plata in cont). In Timisoara predare personala, fara costuri de transport!
Urmatoarea comanda la editura o facem in luna August.
Cartile ajung la voi in 7 -10 zile de la comanda.

Va dorim o zi minunata!